Your Offshore Career
It’s important to note first that the majority of the vacancies we receive from our clients are suitable for experienced offshore personnel only.
While we do very occasionally have the chance to propose greenhands (an industry term for individuals who have never been offshore before), such opportunities are few and far between and the majority of our clients will recruit for such roles internally rather than rely on us.
Our clients tend to opt for transferable candidates – those who have previously worked offshore in other service lines such as catering and have experience in the environment.
It is extremely frustrating for job-seekers: how can they get experience if nobody takes anyone on without experience?
We have collated some advice on this page that can help put you in the very best position to take advantage of any opportunity that you may come across.

Minimum Training
The minimum training requirements for offshore travel (in the UK sector of the North Sea) are currently as follows:
OPITO Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (BOSIET) - referred to as 'Survival Training'
OPITO Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST)
OGUK Medical & Fit to Train Certificate
Bideltoid (Shoulder) Measurements
Note that OPITO is the industry’s foremost training regulator – you can access a network of OPITO approved centres delivering courses to their standards here.
Some training providers offer discount packages for all required training, so be sure to shop around.
Additional Training
Additionally, depending on the sector and role you are interested in, there may be additional training requirements for that position. For example, a Roustabout will require OPITO Banksman & Slinger Training (Stage 1) as a minimum.
There are also a number of additional classroom and online training courses available that can increase your marketability and employment chances, but some are extremely expensive and will not guarantee a job offer so be sure to choose wisely.
Free Training
The below training course will cost you nothing but your time:
International Well Control Forum (IWCF) Level 1 – Well Control Awareness is the industry’s first free, online course which is a useful tool for anyone who works or wants to work in Drilling or Well Services.
Research the offshore industry, the companies who are hiring in the sector you want to work in and career paths that interest you.
Register on LinkedIn and begin connecting with recruiters, companies, and professionals in your chosen field to expand your network.
Register your CV with as many companies and agencies as possible, you never know what might come up at the right time!
Keep an eye out for recruitment events and programmes aimed at greenhands – you can get invaluable advice and support.
If you can, be ready to take an assignment at the drop of a hat. Sometimes last-minute jobs are the best chance you’ll get to get your start.
If you can, be prepared to make sacrifices. If a job comes up to do sick cover over Christmas, are you taking it? Vacancies can be competitive.